Guaranteed growth
Reach your customer potential even better and faster with our proven methods.
We save you years of time - and money
Because you get your one ideal strategy right away instead of having to try 1,000 combination possibilities.
Guaranteed success
Our strategies have been proven to help many companies achieve a considerable leap in sales. If you implement our concept 1:1, their success is inevitable.


Your problem:

Stagnating sales?

Weak growth?

Familiar with this:
Uncertainty what is best way
Just doing it and trying it out costs a lot of money and has an 80% flop rate. You don't want to produce a flop, which would leave you vulnerable.
Price war
Dumping prices reduces your profit, your quality and damages your reputation in the long run.
Too many action alternatives
There are thousands of options on the market. Everyone says something different and has a different opinion and different strategies in mind, but which one is the best?
Unsatisfactory results despite many attempts
You have already tried many things: Advertisements have been placed, advertising campaigns have been run, new offers have been created and still the result is unsatisfactory.
No crystal clear strategy
There is no concrete, crystal-clear strategy that guarantees a jump in sales.
You need a comprehensible, crystal-clear strategy for significantly more sales!
The buying decision lies with the customer, so we need to decipher the reasons for buying.
Your solution:

If you know and measure the reasons to buy, you can trigger more purchases.

Sales increase, you become the market leader in potential!

We can comprehensibly measure the purchase reasons of your customer potential and thus make your offer the best alternative for your customers. This results in more purchases.
Results: Maximum increase in sales through untapped customer potential.
The system:

Worldwide unique system with which you can safely achieve additional sales!

Measure purchase reasons
With our globally unique system, we identify and measure your potential customers' reasons for buying. So you know exactly how to trigger more purchases.
Select buyer potential
The number and size of your untapped buyer potential becomes visible. Then decide on the previously untapped buyer group with the fastest and largest additional jump in sales.
Trigger more purchases
You generate significantly more sales by adapting to buying reasons and untapped buyer potential.
Before market launch and larger investments, you can ensure the effectiveness and thus your success through pre-tests.

Customer Case Studies

You know all these brands. It was our strategies that made them great. Whether it's a new product launch or a relaunch. Whether it's a large company or a small business.

On average, our clients achieve revenue growth in the double and triple-digit millions with this strategy.
We have often helped new products go from zero to over 100 million euros.

Langnese Cremissimo

Initial situation
20 Jahre versucht Langnese vergeblich, Mövenpick als Premium-Eis-Marktführer zu überholen.
With Cremissimo, we have occupied the main purchase reason (basic benefit) of ice cream.
In just 3 years, Langnese Cremissimo became the market leader in the premium ice cream market. The fastest successful launch in years.
Initial situation
Rexona for men makes only €2.6 million in sales with its various fragrances such as musk and amber.
With AXE, we have dominated a relevant reason to buy. During the relaunch, the unchanged product was given a new name and slogan.
The concept became successful. Sales rose to over € 130 million in Germany alone.



Initial situation
Before the introduction of Freixenet, sparkling wine and champagne was the drink for New Year's Eve and high celebrations - and the target group was getting older!
Away from New Year's Eve. We have created more reasons to buy for Freixenet by ennobling every liveable, erotic moment.
A campaign that has been consistently pursued over decades made Freixenet the market leader!
Initial situation
Landliebe had lost sales massively for several years in a row before we started supporting them. The product offered no reasons to buy to justify their higher price.
We have dominantly occupied the purchase reason of natural preparation with Landliebe.
With "Love is when it's Landliebe," the turnaround succeeded. Today, Landliebe is in a better position than ever before and now sells more than just milk.



Initial situation
While many other deodorants position themselves on additional benefits, such as different fragrances, no deodorant had occupied the main purchase reason (basic benefit) of deodorants for itself.
We have focused on the main reason for buying deodorants with Rexona 24h.
Since the Rexona relaunch, sales have increased more than fivefold and market share has risen steadily. Today, Unilever is the global market leader with Axe and Rexona.
Initial situation
Wrigley had the problem that consumers stopped chewing gum at around 30 and was looking for a promising concept.
We have dominated the reason to buy a chewing gum for healthy teeth with Wrigley's Extra.
The target group of people over 30 was offered a relevant reason to continue chewing gum consumption. A complete success to date.

Wrigley’s Extra

Beck's gold

Initial situation
Beck`s Grünes Bier had been successful on the market as a tart Pils brand for years. The question: Is there a way to expand the buyer potential and thus significantly increase sales?
We have given Beck`s Gold new reasons to buy: less tart and therefore more drinkable for women.
The introduction of Beck's Gold in transparent bottles led to additional shelf placement and a significant increase in sales.
Initial situation
Odol mouthwash had been little used for decades. The task: Can you successfully launch a new toothpaste on the market?
The 3 as an indication of the three most important reasons for purchase: Enamel, Gums and Fresh Breath. We have equipped the cream accordingly with red, blue and white stripes.
Odol Med 3 became the market leader within a short time.

Odol-Med 3

Do you want to achieve similar results as our customers?
Then book an appointment now and together we will find out what is possible for you.
Maximize Revenue Potential
Make an appointment now and identify untapped customer potential

Why StrategieMentor is the best choice

Proven success
The successes of our prominent clients such as Cremissimo, AXE, Rexona 24h or Wrigley's Extra speak for themselves. With the StrategieMentor system, you can also trigger these successes in your company. Regardless of company size or industry. Guaranteed.
Unique system worldwide
Which has been proven to work to properly measure reasons to buy and develop crystal clear goal setting. You get your one ideal strategy for significantly more sales growth.
Reduce risk
No costly trial and error of 1,000 possible combinations. Instead, use the ONE proven system that has worked - for decades. This makes success plannable and flops avoidable.

In our goal-oriented strategy consulting, you receive immediate added value.


Arrange appointment

Simply click on the button and make an appointment for your personal potential analysis.

The potential analysis

In this conversation, we analyze how great your untapped potential is, whether we can help you and whether the chemistry between us fits.

The strategy consulting

Here you will learn specifically how you can exploit your maximum sales potential. If we see sufficient potential, we will send you an offer for a small but targeted test phase.

What is special about strategy consulting

Based on your potential analysis, you will receive a well-founded and individual assessment of your business, your product and the market potential. Only if we can help you, you will get an offer, only this way we can keep our quality and guarantee promise. Get the opinion of an expert, you have nothing to lose.

In the strategy consulting you will learn how to
Achieve similar successes as in the case studies
achieve maximum sales increases through untapped customer potentials
Can increase your sales by leaps and bounds

Away from mistakes that produce flops and towards solutions that lead to sustainable results:

Flops are caused by:

optimize to death
Imitate competitors' ideas
Range expansion through variants
Reduce costs through value analysis
Join the price war and offer dumping prices
Due to these points, quality will suffer on the one hand, and sales, profit and market share will shrink on the other.

Successes come from:

Decipher and measure the customer's reasons for buying
Focusing the offer on the reasons for purchase, i.e. the customer's wishes
Communicate the customer benefit quickly and emotionally
Clarify how to justify higher prices
Have the holistic best offer on the market
Developing new customer potential through dedicated USPs

The Team

Peer-Holger Stein

Successful positioning pope in Germany and Europe
35 years of experience in corporate consulting
Developer of the concept of success "Langnese Cremissimo".
Increase in AXE sales from 2 million to over 100 million euros
Relaunch of Landliebe with new branding and slogan
Developer of the international success "Rexona 24h"
Author of the book "What a CEO needs to know about marketing"

Thorsten Weich

Dipl.-Betriebswirt Ansbach
MBA Marketing & Marketing-Management Ansbach
Diplom Tourismus & Freizeitwirtschaft Krems
Marketing & Sales-Manager Praxair Inc.
Area Sales Manager Medical Gases Praxair Inc.
Produkt-Marketing Sport Audi – VIP Management
Managing Director MICHLs Allgäu-Metzer on the Internet
Marketing + Sales Consulting B2C and B2B

Philipp Stein

Graduated with top grades from 3 prestigious universities
20 years of experience in marketing, thereof 8 years in online marketing
Acquired hundreds of new customers per month via high-price tunnels
Scaled multiple companies to 7-figure revenues
Has 20 years of experience in corporate consulting
Advised Germany's largest corporations at board level
Author of the book "What a CEO needs to know about marketing"

Find out how high your untapped sales potential is

We help you to exploit your untapped sales potential and become the best offer on your market. Look forward to the target-oriented, proven system. Click on the button "Make an appointment now" and we will soon talk about additional sales for your company.


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